Vienna City Marathon, 2024

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Your effort, your joy, your goal. Run your marathon in classical Vienna, the most liveable city of the world, where Eliud Kipchoge ran the first ever marathon in under two hours. We look forward to seeing you at the 38th Vienna City Marathon
Vienna is imperial, Vienna is vibrant – and the perfect host city for thrilling events. Enjoy the Marathon, the culture and cuisine. Turn the VCM into a sightseeing tour with friends, from the start at the headquarters of the United Nations to the finish in front of the Burgtheater.
The Vienna City Marathon offers two days of running events for the whole family. Runners from 125 nations are part of a great production with the marathon as an IAAF Gold Label race. Enjoy the fantastic finale on Vienna’s Ringstraße.
Real people, real challenge, real happiness. That is the marathon. Instinct, desire, myth. Anxiety, effort, pride.





42,195 km
500 lei


21,1 km

Relay, Maraton

42,195 km


10 km


5 km

Kids Race, Cros

2 km
Pentru copii

Coca Cola Inclusion Run, Cros

1 km

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