Tryavna Ultra, 2024

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All signed up participants for the 141 km should be present at the start point no later than 16:00 , 100 km should be present at the start point no later than 23:00 on July 10th 2020, 76 km should be present at the start point no later than 05:00 on July 11th 2020, 42 km should be present at the start point no later than 07:00 on July 11th 2020 at Kasovtsi village and 23 km distance should be present at the start point no later than 08:00 on July 11th 2020. It is important to carry their race number and the chips, as well as the corresponding equipment, according to the distance they are signed up for.
Participants for the short distance of 3 km can sign up at the event, and receive a race number and chips, but only between 08:30 A.M. and 09:00 A.M.. After that no more registrations will be done. The start for the 3km distance is at 09:30 A.M.



141 km
This distance requires at least 4 ITRA point from a single competition from 2017 or 2018 ор 2019.
300 lei


100 km
Distance: 100 km
Total climbing (D+): 5000 meters
Total descent (D-): 5000 meters
300 lei


76 km
Distance: 76 km
Total climbing (D+): 2900 meters
Total descent (D-): 2900 meters
Start date: 13.07.2019 06:00
Time limit: 16 hours
ITRA category: 3 points
250 lei


42 km
Total climbing (D+): 1700 meters
Total descent (D-): 1700 meters
Time limit: 9 hours
ITRA category: 2 points
200 lei


23 km
Total climbing (D+): 680 meters
Total descent (D-): 680 meters
Start date: 13.07.2019 09:00
Time limit: 3 hours 30 minutes
150 lei

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