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13 evenimente

Alergare sosea Budapesta, Ungaria 10.09.2023

The biggest half marathon in Central Europe. Participating in the half marathon is essentially a running sightseeing tour of the beautiful Budapest. The course runs through the heart of Bud...

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Alergare trail Comuna Bran, Brasov 16.09.2023

Join us - for the very first edition of a new, late-summer mountain race! From the organising team of the legendary Transylvania 100, the OMU Marathon will take competitors along breathta...

225 lei - 250 lei
Alergare sosea Chisinau, Republica Moldova 24.09.2023

Maratonul Internațional Chișinău este cea mai mare și mai spectaculoasă competiție de sportivă alergare din Moldova. Dar, cu toate că acest eveniment a devenit deja tradițional, sănătatea și...

Alergare sosea Sofia, Bulgaria 08.10.2023

The biggest running competition in Bulgaria #runinsofia #runinBulgaria

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Alergare sosea Budapesta, Ungaria 14.10.2023

The Budapest Marathon is part of a 2-day festival all about running. On Sunday the focus is on the marathon, however, you may also run a 30 km or a marathon in a team of 2 or 4. While on Sat...

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Alergare sosea Sevilla, Spania 18.02.2024

The Zurich Seville City Marathon 2024 will be held in Seville City on 18 February 2024 at 8.30 am. The Start and the Finish Line of the race will be in Paseo de las Delicias, in Buenos Aires...

200 lei
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Alergare trail 02.03.2024

Pe 2 martie 2024, Mileștii Mici Winerun revine în forță, iar înscrierile se deschid chiar acum! Numărul de locuri este limitat, așa că grăbește-te să-ți asiguri slotul din start. 🏃‍♂️ Te inv...

Alergare sosea Barcelona, Spania 10.03.2024

This is the Zurich Marató Barcelona, one of the most attractive courses in Europe for its flat and fast circuit. Not to mention the agreeable weather, that is one of Barcelona's marks, and t...

300 lei
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Alergare sosea Roma, Italia 17.03.2024

Run Rome The Marathon is the most fascinating race in the world. You will feel in your heart beat each of the 42.195 km that you will run. Your steps will cross the same roads where the An...

350 lei
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Alergare sosea Milano, Italia 07.04.2024

Milano Marathon, at its XX edition on 07 April 2024, represents one of the most important sport event in Milan. It is capable of involving more and more both athletes and citizens, acquiring...

350 lei
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Alergare sosea Viena, Austria 21.04.2024

Your effort, your joy, your goal. Run your marathon in classical Vienna, the most liveable city of the world, where Eliud Kipchoge ran the first ever marathon in under two hours. We look for...

500 lei
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Triatlon sosea Kotor, Muntenegru 19.05.2024

Ocean Lava is more than race - it is a movement, where we feel alive with the elements of nature in the sea, the wind, the sun, in the open air. In reality we all race under the same sun, ag...

370 lei - 880 lei
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Alergare trail Tryavna, Bulgaria 12.07.2024

The perfect challenge at the perfect place! Тryavna is not a coincidentally selected destination – it is one of the most charming cities in Bulgaria, which has preserved the spirit of the...

150 lei - 300 lei
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